Monday, May 19, 2008

Our coupons are ready!

Prepare to stuff your patron's bags or refer your patrons to our statewide coupon page. As with last year, we created a public site that is viewable at Here patrons will be able to view the coupons that are available as prizes for the Massachusetts Summer Reading Program. New this year to the SEMLS fold are Water Wizz in Wareham and The Edward Gorey Museum in Yarmouth Port. With the inclusion of the New Bedford's Buttonwood Park Zoo, we are now up to the three attractions. Yeah! For those of you who are using the online summer reading product to promote your services, we are requesting that you provide the public coupon web address listed above within your program links. Our sponsors like to be promoted and we want them to know that we support them as much as they support us. It's one of the ways that we thank them for their participation.

As with last year, in order for you to print out the coupons you'll receive the confidential password to download the variety of family fun coupons. Please do not share this password beyond your library staff. Our sponsors look for the stamped coupons to ensure that our summer readers did their part in receiving this reward. As usual thanks for your cooperation and let's get our coupon-cutting on!

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